This tutorial introduces the creation of data quality reports in R with dataquieR.

Loading data and metadata

Creating reports requires the appropriate setup of study data and metadata, as shown in the figure below:

The first step is to load dataquieR:


Then, we can load one of the example data sets using:

sd1 <- prep_get_data_frame("ship")

This data set comes from the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP) project. The study data has 2154 observations and 33 variables:

id exdate age sex obs_bp obs_soma obs_int dev_bp dev_length dev_weight
3861 1998-09-22 65 1 9 9 11 18 11 11
6506 1998-01-21 70 1 4 4 3 9 3 1
6096 1999-04-07 43 2 4 4 2 10 3 1
6674 2000-10-06 55 2 3 5 2 22 4 1
6490 1998-11-17 69 2 7 7 12 18 11 11
5366 1997-11-27 65 1 5 5 1 10 3 1
5735 1999-09-01 40 2 7 7 23 15 11 11
4031 1999-08-12 51 2 9 9 12 20 11 11
3578 2000-02-26 25 1 9 9 22 15 11 11
4807 2000-07-13 80 2 3 3 2 18 4 1

We can see that not all variable names are intuitive. Hence, the appropriate labels must be mapped from the metadata. Besides all variables' data types and labels, the metadata stores further expected characteristics and static information about the study data.

We can load the corresponding example metadata using:


The metadata is a workbook containing several sheets or tables that can be called individually. The main metadata table is the item-level, which includes descriptions and expectations about single variables or items (e.g. columns in the study data table):

md1 <- prep_get_data_frame("item_level")
id ID integer na NA NA NA NA
exdate EXAM_DT_0 datetime interval NA NA NA [1995-01-01;)
sex SEX_0 integer nominal 1 = males | 2 = females NA NA NA
age AGE_0 integer ratio NA NA NA [20;Inf)
obs_bp OBS_BP_0 integer nominal 1 = Obs_01 | 2 = Obs_02 | 3 = Obs_03 | 4 = Obs_04 | 5 = Obs_05 | 6 = Obs_06 | 7 = Obs_07 | 8 = Obs_08 | 9 = Obs_09 | 10 = Obs_10 | 11 = Obs_11 | 12 = Obs_12 | 13 = Obs_13 | 14 = Obs_14 | 15 = Obs_15 | 16 = Obs_16 | 17 = Obs_17 | 18 = Obs_18 | 19 = Obs_19 | 20 = Obs_20 NA missing_table NA
dev_bp DEV_BP_0 integer nominal 1 = Dev_01 | 2 = Dev_02 | 3 = Dev_03 | 4 = Dev_04 | 5 = Dev_05 | 6 = Dev_06 | 7 = Dev_07 | 8 = Dev_08 | 9 = Dev_09 | 10 = Dev_10 | 11 = Dev_11 | 12 = Dev_12 | 13 = Dev_13 | 14 = Dev_14 | 15 = Dev_15 | 16 = Dev_16 | 17 = Dev_17 | 18 = Dev_18 | 19 = Dev_19 | 20 = Dev_20 | 21 = Dev_21 | 22 = Dev_22 | 23 = Dev_23 | 24 = Dev_24 | 25 = Dev_25 NA missing_table NA
sbp1 SBP_0.1 integer ratio NA NA NA [80;200]
sbp2 SBP_0.2 integer ratio NA NA NA [80;200]
dbp1 DBP_0.1 integer ratio NA NA NA [40;160]
dbp2 DBP_0.2 integer ratio NA NA NA [40;160]

Additional details and expectations about the joint use of two or more variables or items are defined in the cross-item level metadata:

cil <- prep_get_data_frame("cross-item_level")
NA Systolic blood pressure lower than dyastolic blood pressure, first measurement [sbp1] < [dbp1] LOGICAL NA NA NA NA
NA Systolic blood pressure lower than dyastolic blood pressure, second measurement [sbp2] < [dbp2] LOGICAL NA NA NA NA
NA Body height lower than body weight [BODY_HEIGHT_0] < [BODY_WEIGHT_0] LOGICAL NA NA NA NA
NA Body height lower than waist circumference [BODY_HEIGHT_0] < [WAIST_CIRC_0] LOGICAL NA NA NA NA
NA Contraception inconsistency [SEX_0] = “males” and [CONTRACEPTIVA_EVER_0] = “yes” LOGICAL NA NA NA NA
NA Diabetes age inconsistency 1 [DIABETES_KNOWN_0] = “yes” and [DIAB_AGE_ONSET_0] = “” EMPIRICAL NA NA NA NA
NA Diabetes age inconsistency 2 [DIAB_AGE_ONSET_0] > 0 and not([DIABETES_KNOWN_0] = “yes”) LOGICAL NA NA NA NA
sbp1 | sbp2 Systolic blood pressure checks NA NA Hubert 1 (0.7;) Pearson
dbp1 | dbp2 Diastolic blood pressure checks NA NA Hubert 1 (0.7;) Pearson
sbp1 | sbp2 | dbp1 | dbp2 Blood pressure checks NA NA NA 4 NA NA

Descriptions and expectations about the provided segments (e.g., different study examinations) are given in the segment level metadata:

sl <- prep_get_data_frame("segment_level")
INTRO 2154 expected_id_segment exact id TRUE seg_part_intro
SOMATOMETRY 500 expected_id_segment exact id TRUE seg_part_somatometry
INTERVIEW 2150 expected_id_segment exact id TRUE seg_part_interview
LABORATORY 500 expected_id_segment subset id TRUE seg_part_laboratory

For more information on the example data and metadata, see the example data description and the metadata tutorial.

Generating a report

We can create a default report using the dq_report2() function, which requires only the data and metadata previously loaded:

dq_report2(study_data = sd1) # metadata will be found, if prep_load_workbook_like_file did run before.

Minimal workflow example

The animation below shows a quick workflow for reporting data quality with dataquieR:

r <- dq_report2("ship", meta_data_v2 = "ship_meta_v2")
print(r, dir = "report_v2/")

You can see the example report generated by dq_report2() here.

Example code

The code shown in the animation to produce a report is given here:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# D A T A    Q U A L I T Y   I N    E P I D E M I O L O G I C A L    R E S E A R C H
# == dataquieR
# dq_report2() eases the generation of data quality reports as it automatically calls dataquieR functions
# Installation/Further Information -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Please see our website:
# (install dataquieR from CRAN using)
# or
# currently, you should install the development version as described
# on


# load the package


# data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Study of Health in Pomerania example data

sd1 <- prep_get_data_frame("ship")


# metadata



# dq_report2() - a crude approach -------------------------------------------------------------------

my_dq_report <- dq_report2(study_data = sd1,
                           meta_data_v2  = "ship_meta_v2",
                           label_col  = LABEL)

# view the results


The function dq_report2() and the print() for such reports can manage further arguments and settings. However, this sparse version is a good start to gaining insight into the data and may serve as the base to tailor more specific reports.